Quick reference for DSM users

Revision June 2019


1.    Login. 1

2.    Start file station. 3

3.    Upload files. 5

4.    Download files. 7

5.    Logout. 9



1. Login

Point your browser to http://polezuh.ijs.si:50001  and enter your Username,  Password and click on  Sign in .

Disk Station Manager (DSM) window will appear. As a standard user you have access to File Station  and to DSM Help.


2. Start file station

·      Start File Station by click on the File Station icon. On the left side of the screen you will  a list of Polezuh folders.  You have read/write access to the folder with your institution name read access to the folder Presentations. You can freely create any number of subfolders in the folder.

·      You will also have access to the folder containing files from other institutions if they will allow you.

·      Folder Presentations contains presentations from Ljubljana meeting.


3. Upload files

To upload  file(s) to DSM left click the shared folder to which you want upload files (in this example it is folder named YOUR INSTITUTION NAME) and click on Upload button. Options UploadSkip and UploadOverwrite will be offered to you. Choose one of them.

File Upload window, showing files on your computer, which is similar to Windows Explorer, will open.

·      If you want to upload one file, select the file by click and click Open .

·      If you want to upload multiple files, select the files by click, Ctrl+click or Shift+click  and click Open

·      If you want to upload  files in folders and folder structure, you must first compress the folder and than select it by click and click Open

Once you click on  Open , upload procedure will start. Depend on file size  and your network bandwidth it could take some seconds to up to several minutes. Messages showing status of upload will for short time appear in right corner of the screen. When Upload is complete, file(s) will appear in selected folder of the DSM.

If you try to upload files to a shared folder where you have just read privilege, the upload will be blocked« Failed to upload .... » message will appear on the right side of the DSM window.



4. Download files

You can download files from all folders you can see in the File Station (those where you have read/write or read privileges).

First find and select file(s) which you want to download.

·      If you want to download one file, select the file by click and click Open .

·      If you want to download multiple files, select the files by click, Ctrl+click or Shift+click  and click Open

·      If you want to download  files in folders and folder structure, you must first compress the folder and than select it by click and click Open

Once the files are selected, click on Action and click on  Download

Download dialog window will appear. Select option Save File .

Depending on your browser settings Polezuh might ask you to allow download files. In this cace click on Allow.

Selected files will be downloaded to your computer. Location of the download folder depends on your browser settings.

5. Logout

After your file transfer is finished please logout from Disk Station.